Composition Properties



The name of the Composition

Default for Resolution

If the Composition is the default for the specified size. There can only be one default Composition for each resolution. When connecting a new video input source, the Active Composition will change to this one if it matches the input resolution

Activate Composition

Clicking the Activate Composition button makes the selected Composition the currently active one, display its Widgets



The currently selected resolution. Stock resolutions are:

  1. 720

  2. 1080

  3. 4k

  4. 720 Portrait

  5. 1080 Portrait

  6. 4k Portrait

  7. Custom


The width of the Composition. The range is 240 pixels to 12,288 pixels


The height of the Composition. The range is 240 pixels to 12,288 pixels


Clicking this button enables editing of the composition. You must click "Apply" to commit the changes.


The percentage to scale the Composition

Scale Widgets

If Widgets should be scaled or not. Best to just leave this on.

Scale from

Where to anchor the Widgets from when scaling


Compositions ID

The ID used to activate the selected Composition via OSC.

Actions Settings

OSC Messages can control which Composition is currently Active.

Last updated