I can’t connect to Eos!

Checkout our guide to configuring ETC Eos

What’s the yellow bar with my Eos connection?

The yellow bar is letting you know that Vor can’t create a connection for control. Head to Preferences>Connection, select the Eos connection, and change the Version to “1.0 (PLH)”. Make sure 3rd Party OSC is enabled in your Eos shell.

For more information check out the Connection Indicators (Yellow Bar) page

Connected with Errors

Vor uses two TCP connections to communicate with Eos. If Vor displays "Connected with Errors" this means that Eos' "Allow App Connections" is disabled and need to be enabled.

My Eos console isn't discovered

  1. Make sure that Vor Mobile & Eos are on the same network

  2. Make sure the device has a Router assigned in Settings>[Network Connection]>IPV4>Router

  3. Make sure Vor Mobile has access to the Local Network in Settings>Vor Mobile>Local Network

Last updated