Overlaying XYZ Focus
Eos outputs the currently selected channel’s XYZ focus via OSC. The output from Eos is:
There are three arguments sent with this message:
X Focus
(float)Y Focus
(float)Z Focus
All values are output in meters, regardless of the Eos System Setting.
This OSC output uses the primary console's user number
In Vor
Navigate to Preferences>Connections
Select the Custom OSC Connection created in Eos Example 1
Change “Address 2” to read “/eos/out/xyz”
Navigate to Layout, and click “Add Widget”
Enable this widget, and change the type to “Custom OSC”
Replace “Example Text” with “XYZ”
Replace “%1:1” with “%2:1, %2:2, %2:3”
“%2” selects “Address 2”
“:1” selects the first argument, “:2” the second argument
Vor will now overlay the XYZ values of the currently selected Eos fixture
Last updated