QLab 5

The QLab 5 Connection is the preferred method of connecting to a QLab Workspace.

To display information from a QLab Connection, use the QLab Active Cues, QLab Latest, or QLab Playhead Widgets.

Vor will automatically discover all QLab workspaces on the network. To create a new QLab 5 Connection from a discovered workspace navigate to Settings by clicking on Vor in the Menu Bar, then Settings. From there, click on Connections and then the magnifying lens in the menu bar. Hover over the QLab option, then click on the discovered QLab Device & Workspace you want to connect to.

To update a QLab 5 Connection to use a discovered workspace, scroll to the bottom of the connection, and discovered workspaces will be listed. Click the Use Settings button to use the settings from that discovered QLab workspace.

If a QLab workspace is not discovered, but should be, it is still possible to connect to it by manually inputting the IP address and port of workspace.

Vor requires a minimum version of QLab v5.3.0, but we strongly suggest using a minimum version of QLab v5.4.0 due to a QLab issue which may cause QLab's user interface to hang while a remote device is accessing QLab information


The detected status of the connection. The two options are:

  • Connected (Green)

  • Disconnected (Red)


The name of the Connection

Server Discovery

Whether or not to use the QLab Discovery Service to connect to the QLab Workspace. Disabling this allows for input of an IP Address and Port Number.


The IP Address of the QLab Workspace to connect to when Server Discovery is disabled.


The Port of the QLab Workspace to connect to when Server Discovery is disabled.


The specific QLab Workspace to connect to.


Sometimes, connecting to QLab requires a passcode. If your QLab workspace is configured in this manner toggle the setting on, then input the passcode.

Discovered Workspaces

A list of QLab workspaces which have been discovered on the network. Instead of creating a new Connection, which breaks the link between the Connection and the Widgets it's possible to just update the settings in the current connction by clicking Use Settings


Figure 53® and QLab® are registered trademarks of Figure 53, LLC.

Borealis Solutions LLC are not affiliated with Figure 53, LLC and this application has not been reviewed nor is it approved by Figure 53, LLC

Last updated