Cue Number

Hog 4 outputs playback information via OSC. The output from Hog 4 is in the format:


Example output is:


There are no arguments sent with the address

In Hog 4

  • Navigate to Console Settings>Open Sound Control

  • Change the Output IP Address to the IP Address of your Vor device

  • Enable OSC Out

  • Note the Output Port, and the Protocol

In Vor

  • Navigate to Preferences>Connections

  • Select the “Custom OSC” Connection, or create a new one if necessary

  • Name this connection “Hog 4 Connection

  • Change the "Method" to match the Protocol from Console Settings

  • Replace the number in the Port field with the the number from the Output Port from Console Settings

  • Change “Address 1” to read /hog/playback/go/0/

  • Navigate to Layout, and click “Add Widget

  • Enable this widget, and change the type to “Custom OSC

  • Change the Custom Label to read Hog Cue: %1@1

  • Vor will now overlay the cue numbers from Hog 4

Last updated