QLab Active Cues

The QLab Active Cues Widget is driven by the QLab 5 Connection. The purpose of this widget is to display QLab Cues that are currently active (playing or paused).


It is possible to select a style to change how the information is display. These styles are:

  • Number + Name

  • Custom


When Custom is selected as the style it is then possible to use components to build a custom style to display information.

Custom Label

User configurable custom text linked to the Custom Label component

Cue Icon

Enabling the Cue Icon flag shows an icon of the associated cue type with each row

Continue Mode Icon

Enabling the Continue Mode Icon flag shows an icon of the associated continue mode flag with each row

State Icon

Enabling the State Icon flag shows an icon of the associated state flag with each row


Enabling the Timing flag shows timing (elapsed time, remaining time) for each row in the format mm:ss.ff or -mm:ss.ff. If hours are needed for display, then the format is hh:mm:ss.ff or -hh:mm:ss.ff


Enabling the Progress flag overlays a green (playing) or yellow (paused) bar showing the percentage completed for each row

Top Level Cues Only

Enabling the Top Level Cues Only flag will cause only cues that exist at the root level to be displayed

Maximum Cues

The max number of active cues to display. Range is from 1 to 10


Changes the sort order of the Active Cues. The options are:

  • Most Recently Started Last

  • Most Recently Started First


Last updated