QLab Playhead

The QLab Playhead Position Widget is driven by the QLab 5 Connection. The purpose of this widget is to display the current position of the QLab Playhead.


It is possible to select a style to change how the information is display. These styles are:

  • Number + Name

  • Number + Name + Timing

  • Custom


When Custom is selected as the style it is then possible to use components to build a custom style to display information.

Custom Label

User configurable custom text linked to the Custom Label component

Cue Icon

Enabling the Cue Icon flag shows an icon of the associated cue type with each row

Continue Mode Icon

Enabling the Continue Mode Icon flag shows an icon of the associated continue mode flag with each row


Instead of displaying a the current playhead position, enabling the previous flag causes the previously selected position to be displayed.

Cue List

The cue list to observe for changes


Last updated